This chat applet connects you to the IRC channel on Quakenet.

Not working for you? Select one of the other chat methods from the Chat menu above.

Here you can ask other players for a game. Be a little patient and don't leave when you do not get an instant reply.

Change your nick with the command /nick <newnick>, eg. /nick MyNickname.

If you're logged in to the site, you should appear in the chat with your username.

Visit other Quakenet channels without leaving with the command /join <channel>, eg. /join #evo-trivia.

You can also use an IRC client like mIRC to connect to the channel. This is way more comfortable if you use the chat often. A good script to enhance mIRC is NNScript.

Đăng nhập cuối - thuhien98, hai, Luongpes, Legendpes6, ph070489, Vanquynh, mittosix88, boihamchoi Sixserver: 1926 players (1 online)