Game Info
 Id  Season  Lobby  Room  Start  End  Duration 
95068 27 Giao Huu PES6VN Welcome to Hang MU 10/10/2023 03:34 pm 10/10/2023 03:49 pm 14:21 min.

Team Info
 Patch  Rating  Rat ±  Points  Pt ±  Profile  User  Team    Result    Team  User  Profile  Pt ±  Points  Rat ±  Rating  Patch 
PES6VN PATCH 2023/2024 ? 1 ? 34 TRAN-DAN-TIEN anhhairum Unknown 6 - 4 Unknown thanhloc COTO -23 ? -23 ? PES6VN PATCH 2023/2024

Game Settings
 Match Time  Extra Time  Penalties  Injuries  Pauses  Subs  Time Limit  Condition  Time Of Day  Season  Weather 
10 minutes No Yes Yes 9 3 2 0 1 0 0
Đăng nhập cuối - Luongpes, Legendpes6, boihamchoi, Vanquynh, luantt, hieunguyen92, ZhitungFC, CPVFOOD Sixserver: 1927 players (3 online)